Nutritional Health and Lifestyle Coach

I help 40+ women like you break free from emotional eating and exhausting diets that haven’t worked for all those years. I provide a compassionate, holistic approach that finally breaks this vicious cycle, helping you reclaim confidence, long term health and joy in your life.

Nutritional Health and Lifestyle Coach

I help 40+ women like you break free from emotional eating and exhausting diets that haven’t worked for all those years. I provide a compassionate, holistic approach that finally breaks this vicious cycle, helping you reclaim confidence, long term health and joy in your life.


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About Me

I have been where you are and I feel for you. Find out how I conquered years of dieting, secret eating, binge eating and never feeling good in my body.

As you know, it is about so much more than just the food!

As a former teacher, mom, stepmom and now emotional eating coach, I am here to encourage and support you while teaching you how to find peace with food, your body and your life.

Once you nourish the rest of your life and understand the root causes, you can finally have peace with food and your body and lose the weight.

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Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

Use tapping to calm your nervous system

Stop Emotional Eating by Calming Your Nervous System

July 02, 20244 min read


I used to come home from work and immediately go to the pantry for food. Then I would look for sugar after dinner.  The stress of the day and my emotions were overwhelming and I couldn’t calm down until I ate.  Then I would feel bad about myself for eating, but it didn’t stop the cycle.  My body did it so automatically and I didn’t know there was any other way to feel calm.

Are you constantly reaching for comfort food when stress hits? You're not alone. Many women turn to food as a coping mechanism, seeking relief from life's pressures, but it is temporary.  You already know that.

But what if there was a better way to soothe yourself and reduce emotional eating?  What if there was a way to enhance other parts of your life while calming the body so you don’t use food as your comfort?

The answer lies in calming your nervous system. 

What is the nervous system?

The nervous system is your body's communication network. It's like a control center that sends and receives messages throughout your body, helping you move, feel, think, and react. The main parts are the brain (which processes information), the spinal cord (the main message pathway), and nerves (which carry messages to and from all body parts). This system allows your body to function and respond to its environment.

So imagine the signals that get sent when you are upset, stressed, tired or angry?  How you respond to things that happen can be changed from over-eating to finding more peace.

By consistently using techniques to ground yourself, you can significantly reduce stress and the urge to emotionally eat. 

Here are 10 powerful methods to help you regain control:

1. Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique): This acupressure-based technique can help release tension and provide clarity. By tapping on specific points on your face, head, and collarbone, you can rapidly calm your nervous system.

2. Breathing exercises: Try square breathing - inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold for 4. Repeat 10 times. This simple practice can dramatically slow your heart rate and clear your mind.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and release each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working up to your head. This helps you become aware of physical tension and actively release it.

4. Meditation or visualization: Even if traditional meditation feels challenging, try visualizing calming scenes or focusing on positive imagery. This can help quiet your mind and reduce stress.

5. Slow movement: Gentle yoga or stretching can help you reconnect with your body and interrupt stressful thought patterns.

6. Nature walks: Getting outside and moving your body can have a profoundly calming effect. The combination of physical activity and natural surroundings is particularly soothing for your nervous system.

7. Calming music: Take time to listen to soothing music without multitasking. Let the sounds wash over you and transport your mind to a more peaceful state.

8. Aromatherapy: Scents like lavender and chamomile can have an instant calming effect. Experiment with essential oils to find what works best for you.

9. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, or list things you're grateful for. This practice can help you process emotions and shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life.

10. Laughter: Watch a funny show, share jokes with friends, or recall humorous memories. Laughter is a powerful stress-buster that can quickly shift your mood.

Bonus tip: Connect with supportive friends. Sometimes, simply sharing your feelings with a trusted friend can provide immense relief and perspective.

Remember, the goal isn't to completely eliminate stress or never indulge in comfort food. Instead, by incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you're giving yourself powerful tools to manage stress more effectively. This can reduce your reliance on food as a coping mechanism.

Start small - choose one or two techniques that resonate with you and practice them consistently. Over time, you'll likely find that your urge to emotionally eat decreases as you become more adept at calming your nervous system through these healthier methods.

Be patient and kind with yourself as you develop these new habits. Every step you take towards better stress management is a victory. By nurturing your nervous system, you're not just reducing emotional eating - you're cultivating a more balanced, mindful, and joyful life.



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Use tapping to calm your nervous system

Stop Emotional Eating by Calming Your Nervous System

July 02, 20244 min read


I used to come home from work and immediately go to the pantry for food. Then I would look for sugar after dinner.  The stress of the day and my emotions were overwhelming and I couldn’t calm down until I ate.  Then I would feel bad about myself for eating, but it didn’t stop the cycle.  My body did it so automatically and I didn’t know there was any other way to feel calm.

Are you constantly reaching for comfort food when stress hits? You're not alone. Many women turn to food as a coping mechanism, seeking relief from life's pressures, but it is temporary.  You already know that.

But what if there was a better way to soothe yourself and reduce emotional eating?  What if there was a way to enhance other parts of your life while calming the body so you don’t use food as your comfort?

The answer lies in calming your nervous system. 

What is the nervous system?

The nervous system is your body's communication network. It's like a control center that sends and receives messages throughout your body, helping you move, feel, think, and react. The main parts are the brain (which processes information), the spinal cord (the main message pathway), and nerves (which carry messages to and from all body parts). This system allows your body to function and respond to its environment.

So imagine the signals that get sent when you are upset, stressed, tired or angry?  How you respond to things that happen can be changed from over-eating to finding more peace.

By consistently using techniques to ground yourself, you can significantly reduce stress and the urge to emotionally eat. 

Here are 10 powerful methods to help you regain control:

1. Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique): This acupressure-based technique can help release tension and provide clarity. By tapping on specific points on your face, head, and collarbone, you can rapidly calm your nervous system.

2. Breathing exercises: Try square breathing - inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold for 4. Repeat 10 times. This simple practice can dramatically slow your heart rate and clear your mind.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and release each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working up to your head. This helps you become aware of physical tension and actively release it.

4. Meditation or visualization: Even if traditional meditation feels challenging, try visualizing calming scenes or focusing on positive imagery. This can help quiet your mind and reduce stress.

5. Slow movement: Gentle yoga or stretching can help you reconnect with your body and interrupt stressful thought patterns.

6. Nature walks: Getting outside and moving your body can have a profoundly calming effect. The combination of physical activity and natural surroundings is particularly soothing for your nervous system.

7. Calming music: Take time to listen to soothing music without multitasking. Let the sounds wash over you and transport your mind to a more peaceful state.

8. Aromatherapy: Scents like lavender and chamomile can have an instant calming effect. Experiment with essential oils to find what works best for you.

9. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, or list things you're grateful for. This practice can help you process emotions and shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life.

10. Laughter: Watch a funny show, share jokes with friends, or recall humorous memories. Laughter is a powerful stress-buster that can quickly shift your mood.

Bonus tip: Connect with supportive friends. Sometimes, simply sharing your feelings with a trusted friend can provide immense relief and perspective.

Remember, the goal isn't to completely eliminate stress or never indulge in comfort food. Instead, by incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you're giving yourself powerful tools to manage stress more effectively. This can reduce your reliance on food as a coping mechanism.

Start small - choose one or two techniques that resonate with you and practice them consistently. Over time, you'll likely find that your urge to emotionally eat decreases as you become more adept at calming your nervous system through these healthier methods.

Be patient and kind with yourself as you develop these new habits. Every step you take towards better stress management is a victory. By nurturing your nervous system, you're not just reducing emotional eating - you're cultivating a more balanced, mindful, and joyful life.



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What They Say

Discover What My Clients Are Saying

“You have a unique and special way.”

The most significant thing that changed in my work with you was that my all consuming, soul-killing obsession with food was relieved through gentle healing and integration. I knew in my heart that you really cared about me and had my best interests at heart which helped me to re-connect with my own ability to love and support myself. When that part felt back in balance I think the food piece also re-balanced itself. Another incredible gift you offer is a super well resourced tool box! There was also plenty of deep diving into core wounding and reviewing old stories, all of which you skillfully guided me though and helped me to integrate in order to heal.

Thank you so much for everything.

E. K.

“It seems so simple now!”

Kim taught me to listen to my body. I now can slow down and find out what I really need…which is not always food. I also learned it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. I struggled with dieting and then overeating. I have found a happy place where I can just be. She also taught me so much about food, reading labels and how good real food can be. Thank you.

M. B.

“I felt like I could tell her anything and she would not judge me.”

My reason for hiring Kim is different as I already knew how to eat healthy and was already in great shape. I wanted to learn more about digestion and overall gut health which is super important for all aspects of life. She is amazing! Very easy to talk too and she made me feel very comfortable and I felt like I could tell her anything and she would not judge me. She is very nice and definitely very knowledgeable! She was able to help me in every way I needed and then some! Anyone who needs any form of help that she offers because she is top notch and well worth the money and time!Could not be happier with the decision I made to hire her as my coach!

K. C.

“Kim is much more than a health coach. She is a tireless champion of holistic healing for those eager to initiate lasting transformation of their lives.”

I feel an enthusiasm for embracing routines and habits that encompass not only my body, but spirit and mind. Kim is a beautiful, genuine person who is intuitive and kind.
Her support and positive perspective always turn around my attitude and help me see the favorable aspect to decisions I’ve made in a non-judgemental way.
Access to this type of reassurance is perpetual and brings peace of mind. Kim is much more than a health coach. She is a tireless champion of holistic healing for those eager to initiate lasting transformation of their lives. Kim has been instrumental in bringing me home to my truest self.

M. C.


What They Say

Discover What My Clients Are Saying

“You have a unique and special way.”

The most significant thing that changed in my work with you was that my all consuming, soul-killing obsession with food was relieved through gentle healing and integration. I knew in my heart that you really cared about me and had my best interests at heart which helped me to re-connect with my own ability to love and support myself. When that part felt back in balance I think the food piece also re-balanced itself. Another incredible gift you offer is a super well resourced tool box! There was also plenty of deep diving into core wounding and reviewing old stories, all of which you skillfully guided me though and helped me to integrate in order to heal.

Thank you so much for everything.

E. K.

“It seems so simple now!”

Kim taught me to listen to my body. I now can slow down and find out what I really need…which is not always food. I also learned it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. I struggled with dieting and then overeating. I have found a happy place where I can just be. She also taught me so much about food, reading labels and how good real food can be. Thank you.

M. B.

“I felt like I could tell her anything and she would not judge me.”

My reason for hiring Kim is different as I already knew how to eat healthy and was already in great shape. I wanted to learn more about digestion and overall gut health which is super important for all aspects of life. She is amazing! Very easy to talk too and she made me feel very comfortable and I felt like I could tell her anything and she would not judge me. She is very nice and definitely very knowledgeable! She was able to help me in every way I needed and then some! Anyone who needs any form of help that she offers because she is top notch and well worth the money and time!Could not be happier with the decision I made to hire her as my coach!

K. C.

“Kim is much more than a health coach. She is a tireless champion of holistic healing for those eager to initiate lasting transformation of their lives.”

I feel an enthusiasm for embracing routines and habits that encompass not only my body, but spirit and mind. Kim is a beautiful, genuine person who is intuitive and kind.
Her support and positive perspective always turn around my attitude and help me see the favorable aspect to decisions I’ve made in a non-judgemental way.
Access to this type of reassurance is perpetual and brings peace of mind. Kim is much more than a health coach. She is a tireless champion of holistic healing for those eager to initiate lasting transformation of their lives. Kim has been instrumental in bringing me home to my truest self.

M. C.

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